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Practicing Gratitude with Chelsea Beyerman

As 2020 winds down and we look ahead to the new year, we wanted to take a moment to reflect and cultivate gratitude. We’re thankful for our community of women here at sheBOOM who have shared with us their stories of resilience and gratefulness over the past few weeks. 

Today, we’re talking to Chelsea Beyerman, marketing manager at MOON Ultra the company that makes the selfie-gadget MOON Ultra Light that helps phone photos have the best light possible. The people around her who motivate and inspire her are helping her focus on gratitude this season. 

What or who are you grateful for and why?

I’m grateful for my friend and personal inspiration, Diana Muturia. She is the founder of what is going to be a revolutionary solution to booking home service providers, Clyn. Not only will this benefit those looking to find house cleaners, landscapers, etc., but this solution also works to connect immigrants to a pathway to citizenship and creates vast opportunities for those who are looking for work in the home service industry. 

Do you have a special way of practicing gratitude in your business? What is it?

I always make sure to thank those with whom I work. I believe celebrating “wins” is a way of creating a more productive and happy workplace. 

Want to be featured in sheBOOM this season? Share your own gratitudes with us. Simply fill out this form. 


