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Practicing Gratitude with Emilie Perz

Have you been keeping up with our Gratitude series? We are so thrilled to share the stories of women in our sheBOOM community who are choosing to be grateful, even amidst all the ups and downs this year has brought. 

As we look ahead to 2021, just around the corner, we hope you feel inspired by the stories and wisdom of these fantastic ladies practicing gratitude this holiday season. 

Today, we’re spotlighting Emilie Perz, founder of a live and on-demand yoga and fitness platform called Sequential Body. Through this business, Emilie helps students achieve their fitness goals from the comfort of their own home. When the pandemic hit, Emilie made the most of it and set out to create something special. 

What or who are you grateful for and why?

I’m so grateful that during COVID, I was able to launch Sequential Body. SB is an on-demand yoga and fitness channel dedicated to community and wellbeing. I designed this platform during the pandemic as a way to bring like-minded, conscious people together to celebrate through yoga, fitness, and personal transformation. Our classes are ultra-unique, blending heartfelt themes with movement, music, and laughter. We have innovative classes that aim to sculpt bodies into perfection while also tuning into the heart. Sequential Body beauties can text me daily for inspiration, help, and guidance. It has been the perfect fitness platform to stay motivated and inspired.

Do you have a special way of practicing gratitude in your business? What is it?

I make sure to foster community in all my classes. Community is something to be grateful for, and I’m so blessed that I’ve been able to accomplish just that through my virtual SB community.

Want to be featured in sheBOOM this season? Share your own gratitudes with us. Simply fill out this form. 


