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What’s Hot? What’s Cool? Who Will Prosper?

This truth is timeless…

Knowing who your customer is and what he/she needs — today AND in the future is key to sustaining and growing any business.

Women who stay one step ahead of the curve — and their competitors — are most likely to succeed in business. We’re not talking about following every sparkly new idea that presents itself. We’re talking about developing a broad and deep understanding of demographics, buyer patterns, and lifestyles, and understanding why some businesses have lasted and grown and others are hot today and gone tomorrow. Here are some great stats about small business longevity.

No one really knows what the future holds, but this month we’ll be showcasing 31 trends (based on data) and the women who are capitalizing on them. Do you fit that description? Please contact nancy@sheboom.com no later than August 15th for consideration in our August “Hot and Cool” online edition!

(And we predict in just a few years, posts like this will have be drafted by a machine. Check out my new site about the future of marketing (including media, graphic design, and PR).

Yours in trend-spotting and longevity,



